Venezuelan Students Reject the Israeli Genocide in Gaza

April 30, 2024 Hour: 9:09 am

On Monday, the Venezuelan Federation of University Students (FVEU) held a demonstration against the massacre that Israel is carrying out against the Palestinian people.


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With enthusiasm and social awareness, students from the Bolivarian University of Venezuela gathered to express their condemnation of the actions that the Israeli occupation army is carrying out in Palestinian territory.

These young people are calling on the governments and peoples of the world to demand the cessation of Zionist aggression in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

“The dreams of Palestinian students have also been bombed. More than two Palestinian universities have been destroyed and used as bases for the Zionist army,” said Adriana Llanos, the vice president of Experimental Universities.

The Venezuelan Federation of University Students criticized the United States for not only supporting Israel but also for threatening students who protest against the genocide in Gaza.

“The offensive in Gaza has unleashed massive protests. Over 60 universities have raised their voices in rejection of the war and in defense of the Palestinian people. The response of the United States House of Representatives has been to threaten to cut funding to public universities,” FVEU President Dave Olivares stated.

Venezuelan students encouraged young people around the world to protest against the brutal attack on the Palestinian people, which has caused thousands of innocent victims.

Over the last 24 hours, Israeli forces killed 47 Palestinians in Gaza, raising to 34,535 the number of people killed since the beginning of the Israeli offensive in October 2023.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: teleSUR

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